What is a black-box module and why do we need them?

A black-box is a module in which only the input and output ports of module is available for the designers to connect and integrate with the other modules: The below is an example of a 2 to 1 multiplexer black-box module: /////////////—————–////////////////////module mux2_1 (input a,input b,input sel,output reg out); endmodule/////////////////————-///////////////// In the above Verilog code

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Types of Processors in VLSI

While CPUs (Central Processing Units) are the most commonly used processors in computers and servers, there are alternative processor architectures and competitors in the market. Here are some notable alternatives: CPU Series:- 1. GPUs (Graphics Processing Units): Graphics cards, or GPUs, are primarily designed for rendering graphics and accelerating video processing. However, their parallel computing capabilities have

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TAPE-OUT Process in VLSI Development Cycle:

The tape-out process in VLSI (Very Large-Scale Integration) involves several stages that are crucial for the successful transfer of the design to a semiconductor foundry for manufacturing. Here are the different stages typically involved in the tape-out process: Design Closure: Before initiating the tape-out process, the design must go through a design closure phase. This

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